The beginning
Born in Italy, I grew up in a small village enjoying friendships and spending most of my time outdoor organizing events for the local youth. After completing my studies in BOLOGNA, I moved to London where I pursued a master in Middle Eastern Studies with the idea to work in the humanitarian field; I was then offered to join a PhD program in history which eventually propelled my academic career. I was fascinating with idea of researching and writing, investing time in the production and sharing of knowledge.
While pursuing a rich academic career, I kept officiating basketball games and develop other interests outside the world of academia and sport. I moved countries several times, including the USA, Ireland and Israel, and at times challenges felt like an impossible wall to overcome, but I never gave up! My unconventional life path exposed me to a variety of cultures, languages, and mentalities that taught me not only how to think outside the box. but also, how to live my life to the fullest. Moving is learning and living!
My work
I have been a scholar for nearly 20 years. I am a historian and I work on the history of the Middle East, focusing on Palestine, Jerusalem, and the period of the First World War. I wrote two books and a good number of chapters and articles. Writing is a way for me to share what I learned and discovered with both an academic audience and the larger public. The one aspect I really enjoy about my job is teaching. Working with students is extremely satisfying. As the excellent evaluations I receive from students attest, students enjoy my style and the ways in which I deliver the weekly content making their college experience unique, effective, and, more importantly, successful.
In the past few years, I have become a professional editor and reviewer . As an executive editor of the Jerusalem Quarterly, I am enjoying the unique experience to work with authors and facilitate their work from submission to successful publication. As an expert in my field, prestigious publishers and academic journals regularly send my way book proposals, manuscripts, and articles to review. Although The process requires plenty of concentration, I dive into the text and read it thoroughly, as if I had written it. My comments are constructive and enlightening, allowing the authors to think about their work from additional angles. While it is time consuming, is exceptionally satisfying: the most important element in the process of evaluation is to remember that authors have put in a lot of work, and rather than being judgmental I ask questions and make suggestions.
My vision
In the past few years I started working more and more on editing and reviewing. As an executive editor of the Jerusalem Quarterly I am enjoying the unique experience to work with authors and follow their work from submission to successful publication. In time publisher and academic journals started sending my way more and more book proposals, manuscripts, and articles to review. The process requires plenty of concentration and at times it feels daunting: the most important element in the process of evaluation is to remember that authors have put in a lot of work and rather than being judgmental I ask questions and make suggestions.
The Future
In recent times I started developing a strong interest in podcasting. In 2021 I established my own Jerusalem Unplugged podcast with the purpose of bringing to a larger audience a series of conversations about Jerusalem, its history, and its people leaving aside claims and superficial debates. A review states: “Great guests and in-depth conversation about Jerusalem culture and history - always fascinating.” I also began collaborating with the New Books Network – the largest academic podcast – hosting episodes with scholars who recently have published a book. In the process, I have spent much time getting an in-depth understating of this medium and honing my interviewing skills making me an accomplished, attentive, and professional host. The serious work I put into each interview and the connection I create with each interviewee are evident in the success of my podcasts, which have received a worldwide resonance.