Reseller Hosting
Reseller hosting packages allow you to become a hosting reseller without having to maintain your own hosting servers. You can create whatever packages you want. You sell these packages as you see fit (as long as you do it legally). RedHost will not initiate any contact with your customers.
So a reseller hosting contract is indicated if:
You want to offer hosting under your own name under conditions decided by you;
You are a design company and you want to offer hosting to your clients;
You represent a group that needs to host a larger number of sites.
Recomandate pentru majoritatea aplicatiilor uzuale, VPS-urile KVM se remarca printr-o viteza de regula foarte buna si o izolare mult mai buna intre VPS-uri (la nivel de alocari de resurse). Alocarile de resurse de sistem sunt garantate. Infrastructura pe SSD-uri asamblate in matrice RAID-10 asigura o performanta foarte buna. Pe VPS-urile KVM se poate instala si Windows.
Start | Addition | Pro | Ultra | |
Space-bar | 30GB | 60GB | 90GB | 120GB |
Traffic | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Areas | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Hosting accounts | 20 | 45 | 70 | 100 |
Allotment | Unlimited 1 | Unlimited 1 | Unlimited 1 | Unlimited 1 |
cPanel/WHM 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dedicated IPs | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Private nameservers | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Monthly price 3 | 9.9 euros | 19 euros | 28 euros | 37 euros |
Package name | Start |
Space-bar | 30GB |
Traffic | Unlimited |
Areas | Unlimited |
Hosting accounts | 20 |
Allotment | Unlimited 1 |
cPanel/WHM 2 | Yes |
Dedicated IPs | 1 |
Private nameservers | Yes |
Monthly price 3 | 9.9 euros |
Package name | Addition |
Space-bar | 60GB |
Traffic | Unlimited |
Areas | Unlimited |
Hosting accounts | 45 |
Allotment | Unlimited 1 |
cPanel/WHM 2 | Yes |
Dedicated IPs | 1 |
Private nameservers | Yes |
Monthly price 3 | 19 euros |
Package name | Pro |
Space-bar | 90GB |
Traffic | Unlimited |
Areas | Unlimited |
Hosting accounts | 70 |
Allotment | Unlimited 1 |
cPanel/WHM 2 | Yes |
Dedicated IPs | 2 |
Private nameservers | Yes |
Monthly price 3 | 28 euros |
Package name | Ultra |
Space-bar | 120GB |
Traffic | Unlimited |
Areas | Unlimited |
Hosting accounts | 100 |
Allotment | Unlimited 1 |
cPanel/WHM 2 | Yes |
Dedicated IPs | 3 |
Private nameservers | Yes |
Monthly price 3 | 37 euros |
Alocarile se refera la urmatoarele tipuri de resurse: trafic lunar, adrese email, baze de date, domenii parcate si toate celelalte dotatari specifice hostingului de tip cPanel cu exceptia spatiului. Acestea sunt nelimitate in sensul ca resellerul poate folosi o cantitate rezonabila, nemonitorizata in mod implicit de catre noi. Cu toate acestea serviciul nu poate fi de exemplu folosit pentru oferirea de servicii gratuite de hosting sau email si nici pentru a gazdui site-uri prea mari pentru shared hosting (portaluri, bloguri foarte vizitate etc). In asemenea cazuri aveti nevoie de dedicated servers .
Web Hosting Manager (WHM) va fi folosit de catre reseller la adaugarea conturilor de gazduire, specificarea alocarilor (conturi email, baze de date, spatiu, trafic lunar etc) iar cPanel permite utilizarea contului de gazduire (definirea conturilor de mail, administrare bazelor de date, multe altele) de catre clientul final.
Preturile mentionate NU includ TVA.