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About Us

At, we are more than just a hosting provider; we are your partners in optimizing online success. Our hosting packages offer more than just hosted space and domains; they provide essential performance and speed enhancements crucial for elevating your website's loading speed. We understand that website loading speed is a pivotal factor in search engine rankings, significantly impacting your site's overall success.

Our hosting packages are more than just a place to store your website; they are designed to enhance your website's performance and speed. We believe that optimizing these factors is essential for elevating your website's loading speed, ensuring a seamless user experience. Our hosting solutions are meticulously crafted to cater to the specific needs of websites and businesses, helping them thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

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Why Choose Us

We believe that by providing hosting packages with performance and speed improvements at each level, we can help our clients achieve their full potential. We envision a digital ecosystem where websites load faster, perform better, and achieve higher search engine rankings.

Performance-Driven Hosting offers hosting packages that are optimized for performance and speed. We understand the critical role loading speed plays in your website's success, and we provide solutions that make a tangible difference..

Supportive Partnership

Our long-standing collaboration with is a testament to our commitment to nurturing and supporting projects from their inception to success. We prioritize building lasting partnerships that enable our clients to achieve their goals

Exceptional Hosting Services offers top-tier hosting services designed to meet the specific needs of your website or project. We provide secure and efficient hosting solutions that ensure optimal performance, scalability, and reliability.

Proven Track Record

Our track record speaks for itself, as's success story demonstrates. We have a history of delivering results and helping projects reach new heights.

Innovate with Trust, Simplify Tomorrow

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Our Values

At Redhost, we're all about trust, innovation, and customer-centricity. We understand that our success is built on the trust of our customers, and we take that responsibility seriously.

Our Vision

We aim to be at the forefront of the digital transformation, providing the tools and solutions that empower individuals and businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


Our mission at Redhost is crystal clear: we're here to simplify the digital experience. We're committed to delivering secure, high-performance, and user-friendly solutions that enable our customers to navigate the digital world with ease.


what our Customers Says about us.

client din Ianuarie 2003

Colaborarea cu am inceput-o de mai bine de 3 ani de zile, timp in care site-ul si afacera noastra a crescut de la stadiul de joaca, la o afacere serioasa si profitabila care deserveste cateva zeci de mii de firme lunar. Deasemenea au crescut si cerintele pentru hosting, in momentul de fata fiind nevoie de o solutie profesionala care sa ne asigure stabilitate in fata clientilor nostri. Firma ne-a fost alaturi si ne-a sustinut in tot acest timp, cu solutii tehnice adecvate. Punctul forte al celor de la RedHost este suportul tehnic ireprosabil, orice problema aparuta sau orice solicitare a noastra rezolvandu-se in timp record. Seriozitatea si promtitudinea si nu in ultimul rand calitatea serviciilor, celor de la RedHost sunt principalele argumente care ne fac sa continuam aceasta colaborare, speram pe un termen cat mai lung.

Dipson SRL Bucuresti
client din Feb 2008 = Profesionalism si cand spun profesionalism ma gandesc la seriozitatea, promptitudinea, suportul tehnic si calitatea serviciilor ireprosabile. Sfaturile utile, operativitatea si rabdarea le-am gasit aici din momentul in care am inceput colaborarea cu dl. Banu. In cateva cuvinte am scapat de grija web hosting-ului.

Mircea Serbu

Dipson SRL Bucuresti
client din Feb 2008 = Profesionalism si cand spun profesionalism ma gandesc la seriozitatea, promptitudinea, suportul tehnic si calitatea serviciilor ireprosabile. Sfaturile utile, operativitatea si rabdarea le-am gasit aici din momentul in care am inceput colaborarea cu dl. Banu. In cateva cuvinte am scapat de grija web hosting-ului.

Mircea Serbu

Prof. Andrei Dobre
client din Iunie 2007

Multumesc site-ului pentru sustinerea proiectului ! In cei 3 ani de cand colaboram au dovedit ca sunt adevarati PROFESIONISTI iar acum, prin sprijinul lor, suntem cel mai bun site de Matematica din Romania !

Dragos Preda

Dipson SRL

Echipa GeoMobila Srl
client din Ian 2009

Cu perseverenta si calitatea serviciilor REDHOST site-ul a ajuns pe primul loc si cel mai bine vazut site pentru -mobila din pal-.Colaborarea noastra cu echipa REDHOST a fost si va ramane una dintre legaturile de baza a afacerii noastre, caci fara un site bun, o gazduire buna si o echipa perseverenta in spate nu putem fi cei mai buni. Geomobila s.r.l sustine si promoveaza serviciile REDHOST ! Raspunsurile promte la inrebarile noastre si accesul non-stop la serviciile dumneavoastra ne aduc satisfactie si nu ne face decat sa va uram mult succes si in viitorii ani!

client din August 2005

Our experiences with RedHost are very good, trustworthy and a quick service. The company fullfilled our wishes in a pleasant way and in a short time. Mr. Banu knows the business very well and also the service afterwards is very good. In RedHost we have found a reliable company to do business with. If you are looking for a webdesigner we can recommend this firm.

Helma Zaat