DevOps Technology
At Global New Tech, we focus on increasing uptime, reducing time to market, and lowering overhead and infrastructure costs.
Cyber Security
Global New Technologies cybersecurity teams are highly qualified using the highest penetration testing methodology to help protect.
Cloud Computing
Let Global New Tech (GNT) staff help you with your journey to the Cloud or improving current cloud operations.
SOC as a Service
The Global New Technologies team also monitors, assesses and defends websites, applications, databases, data centers and servers.

Global New Technologies llc’s mission is to be pro-active in protecting mission critical systems and major applications that support the federal government. The recent resurgence of cyber-attacks in the United States has become rampant and alarming thus the birth of Global New Technologies llc. It is, therefore, imperative that we as a nation contribute our quota in averting constant threats and vulnerabilities which is an integral part of our democracy and security as a whole.
Be innovative in protecting and enabling core business provide centralized services with highly specialized and skilled resources to defend and respond to cyber threat reduce the overall cost of cybersecurity for all state agencies by centralizing resources and providing a mechanism for leveraging large-scale purchases.