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Technocentrum Utrecht (TCU), a partnership of business and technical training centers, focuses on knowledge reinforcement and renewal, as well as on better integration between vocational technical education and current professional practice.


To store a large amount of diverse data on the educational system, the Customer was continuously creating temporary data tables. Such ineffective storage of information prevented getting valuable insights based on the data. Therefore, the Customer needed to systematize all the available data, enable data import as well as create statistical reports.


ScienceSoft designed a website that allowed users to create statistical reports on the educational system development at the country level. The website was complemented with a specially developed database. Now reports are built based on given criteria and parameters and are presented as tables or graphs. The dynamic query generator allows users to set the necessary parameters in a form and dynamically change additional parameters.

ScienceSoft’s team implemented the features for:

  • different grouping levels
  • total sum calculations
  • creation of tables and graphs based on the data input by users
Cryptocurrency Trading Platform_sketch, wireframes, mockup


The website allowed to decrease the number of data tables by 3 times and the amount of duplicated data by 5 times; data storage, analysis and visualization were improved via the implementation of the database, the dynamic query generator and a special module for data manipulation. ScienceSoft’s team introduced a feature for protection from improper user actions, "incomplete" and / or "incorrect" data entry in the database/PHP content. Overall, ScienceSoft’s agile website development team managed to improve the system stability and performance.

Technologies and Tools

CMS: Drupal 6

Additional modules: Taxonomy, CCK

Database: MySQL 5.x

Language: PHP 5.2.x