
This website is dedicated to helping members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints receive the marvelous blessings promised by President Russel M. Nelson to those who do their best to restore the correct name of the Church. The website makes it easy for members, with just a couple of mouse clicks, to send emails to media when they use nicknames for the Church.

"I promise you that if we will do our best to restore the correct name of the Lord's Church, He whose Church this is will pour down His power and blessings upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints, the likes of which we have never seen."

Russell M. Nelson

Church Image

This website provides recent media articles, the email address of the person to contact, and three suggested emails from which a member may choose one to copy, paste, and send. With each visit to the website, the suggested emails which appear are rotated from a large number of possible emails generated by our suggestions and AI. 


We believe that thousands of emails, written in a spirit of kindness, will help fulfill the prophet's vision. We note that the promised blessings were not contingent on results, only on our doing our best.


In creating the suggested emails, we try to follow the counsel of Elder Denelson Silva in the October 2022 General Conference: "The defense of the truth should never be done in an aggressive manner but rather with genuine interest to love, share, and invite the people...." 


Our suggested emails begin with a positive comment about the article, then explain the importance of using the true name of the Church by sharing our position. They end with a kind invitation to use the correct name. The entire process of sending an email to the media should take only a few minutes.  


Below is a link for a recent media article which refers to the Church by nicknames, to which you may wish to respond.

Below are three possible email responses. We suggest you copy the one that you are most comfortable with.

Hello, Ms. Brulliard,

I hope this email finds you well. I read your recent article, "Its promised land drying, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints works to save the Great Salt Lake." Your article provided a detailed view of the...

Ms. Brulliard,

I hope this email finds you well. I enjoyed reading your recent article, "Its promised land drying, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints works to save the Great Salt Lake." Your presentation of the problem was fai...

Ms. Brulliard,

I hope you're doing well. I read your recent article, "Its promised land drying, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints works to save the Great Salt Lake." Your piece provided an in-depth view of the situation, ...

We suggest that for the subject (header) of your email, you write "feedback from a reader," "feedback on an article" or similar words.

We suggest you sign your email with at least your first name, and send it to "karin.brulliard@washpost.com "

Please click on the "Next Article" button (above right) to see more media articles on the Church that you may wish to comment on.

Below is a link for a recent media article which refers to the Church by nicknames, to which you may wish to respond.

Below are three possible email responses. We suggest you copy the one that you are most comfortable with.

Mr. Weil, 

Thank you for writing, "Inside the Mormon Church's Globe-Spanning Real Estate Empire."

I am asking a favor- most people are unaware of this, but as Church we are asking- ourselves and others- to use th...


I hope you're doing well. I read your recent article, "Inside the Mormon Church's Globe-Spanning Real Estate Empire."

I would like to bring up an essential point that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-...

Dear Mr.Weil,

I hope this message finds you well. I read with interest, "Inside the Mormon Church's Globe-Spanning Real Estate Empire."

I wanted to draw your attention to a request from the Church of Jesus Christ of L...

We suggest that for the subject (header) of your email, you write "feedback from a reader," "feedback on an article" or similar words.

We suggest you sign your email with at least your first name, and send it to "wsj.ltrs@wsj.com "

Please click on the "Next Article" button (above right) to see more media articles on the Church that you may wish to comment on.






We want to hear from you! We can be reached at:

Email : restoreHisname@gmail.com

We welcome ideas for improvement, links to media articles that use nicknames for the Church, suggestions for letters to the media, or your experiences- positive and negative- as you participate in this effort. If you send experiences, please let us know if we can share them in the Testimonials section. We won’t mention your name or email address.

We believe that the need to restore His name to His Church is worldwide.

If you would like to help us create versions of this website in languages other than English, please message us. You could make a difference.


If you would like to be notified when new media articles are posted, please subscribe below. We won't share your email with anyone and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Testimonials And Experiences

This website came about after a member of the Seventy visited our Stake Conference. He encouraged us to read all of President Nelson's Conference addresses since he became the prophet, and to pay attention to every place he said, "I plead with you," or "I urge you." As I did this, it struck me that much of his counsel was about changing things within ourselves, which makes sense to me, because inner changes bring about external changes.


But one that wasn't internal was his plea for us to help restore the correct name of the Church. I decided to send emails to the media when they use nicknames.


It wasn't easy, but after I did some, I noticed a change in my prayers. While I prayed, I felt like God was right there. I remember thinking, "I need to be careful what I say. He really is listening." I took that as an indication to pursue this path, and to multiply the effort through a website. After working on the website and sending more emails, the blessing changed to a different one: I felt more accurate inspiration in my life. I had been praying for a long time that I would have the gift of discernment, that I would be aware of which spirit is leading me, and that I would not allow a bad spirit to guide me.


After working on this effort, I find that prayer is being answered. I find that I am now more accurately receiving inspiration, which has caused me to act on promptings more quickly and confidently. I am seeing results from following this inspiration.




For over four years my wife and I have read a US publication that has over 3 million online and print readers. During that time, to my recollection, the headline to every article they wrote about the Church used its nickname. Recently I emailed them about one of their articles on the Church. I briefly said that I am a subscriber and like their publication very much. I politely asked them to use the correct name of the church and explained why.

A few weeks later as I read the publication, I was surprised to notice the headline for an article about the Church: it used the official name. They did use the nickname later in the article, but I felt that this was progress. IDK if this was a coincidence, or if many other members also wrote them, or if it was the effect of one email. The prophet said, “The rest of the world may or may not follow our lead in calling us by the correct name.” And the blessings that the prophet promised were not contingent on media responding to our requests on this. As Mother Theresa said, “God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful.”
